Thursday, May 30, 2013

Learning to Travel Your Own Path

How many times has the little green monster crept into your consciousness when a friend gets married, purchases a new home, or lands their dream job? It is easy to be misled to believe that we are somehow inadequate or behind when we constantly compare ourselves to others especially concerning material items. If you find yourself consistently unhappy or unable to genuinely share the joy of others then it is past time to learn to travel in your own path. 

I have been guilty of comparing myself to friends and that in itself is not where the issue lies. We must take responsibility for our own lives and own up to the mistakes that have led us astray from our goals and aspirations. Owning up to our mishaps is taking the first step toward traveling and building our paths to success. 

When speaking of success, it does not necessarily equate to finances. True success comes when one loves waking up with the goal of impacting others as well as knowing that intrinsic value lies within. Though being financially secure is always nice, how many of us know people that cling to their money and underneath their fancy cars and clothes they are miserable and live to make others share in their misery? 

Learning to walk in your own path is far more valuable than riches and more productive than closely following what others are doing. With the current means of social media, people can become whoever they want by posting a few pictures or updating statuses. This does not mean that because they are smiling in a picture that they are truly content with themselves, yet we all feel the need to show off every now and then. Whether it is continuing your education, traveling more, or meeting a significant other, there are ways that we can get back on the right track.

Below are a few tips that we can use that will help us walk along our own path. 

1. Recognize the mistakes that led you off the path to your goals or aspirations.
Owning up to where we went wrong can help prevent us from making the same mistakes. Though it can be painful to relive our mishaps, we will be better off in case we face similar circumstances later on.

2. Set small attainable goals and make a genuine effort to reach them. 
Baby steps are easier to complete than taking giant leaps. Reaching smaller goals can help build the confidence to chase larger ones. 

3. Try not to compare yourself to others. 
We all have our own unique journeys that place us where wear currently are. Recognizing that everyone has unique experiences can help us be more compassionate and open minded. 

4. Realize that many things are beyond our control. 
No matter how focused we are or how much we plan, life has a way of throwing us curve balls. Unexpected death, car accidents, or job loss are examples of life altering events that we usually can not prevent from happening. 

5. Surround yourself with like minded people that understand your vision and that want to assist you on your goals. 
Ever heard the expression insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Sometimes separating from people can be the best decision in moving forward. Not all the people you know or meet are meant to stay in your life forever. 

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