Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Closer Look At Chris Brown

Let me begin by stating that I do not know Chris Brown personally nor is this an attack on his character. His questionable actions have been well documented especially ever since he went ape shit crazy on Rihanna. Yet he continues to throw fuel to the fire, giving the media reasons to continually stalk and blast his business to the world. He broke a window at Good Morning America, got into a physical altercation with fellow singer Frank Ocean, and most recently threw a rock at his mother's vehicle. You know someone is a bit crazy when they attack their own mama. Does Chris Brown not recognize that he is the Chris Brown, a man that most love to hate?

If he was any other twenty something young male, surely his antics would be chalked up to just being young and dumb. But he is not just an average young man. He is a talented and gifted entertainer that found fame at a pivotal age and has not really been allowed to grow up without having a microscope placed on his every move. This in no way excuses his behavior but Chris must recognize that he does not have the freedom or luxury to just grow into manhood. He gave that up when he decided to seek fame.

Fame has not been all bad for Chris though. Surely if he was just a random man he would have faced severe consequences for his assault on a woman and been sent to prison a long time ago. For that he should be thankful since many others have not been so lucky. His anger or frustration that is the cause of his lashing out must be addressed if there is any hope of him living a normal, drama free life. He is young and has time to correct it only if chooses to surround himself around people that genuinely care for his well being. 

I am rooting for Chris. Not because he can sing or dance and is good looking. I am rooting for him because he sincerely has all the tools available to him to turn his life around for the better. Money, fame, nor success guarantees happiness or contentment. He has found all three of the aforementioned but it is highly doubtful that he truly content with where he is at this current moment. Hopefully Chris Brown learns that what other thinks of him is irrelevant and that there will always be people who pray for your downfall. Regular people that go to work everyday and who strive for better are faced with doubters so with his evolution being magnified for the world, he certainly is no different. 

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