Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Get Rid of a Bug-A-Boo?

                  *WARNING* This post is all in fun and not meant to be taken seriously!

We have all been there. The time you regret giving that certain someone your number or email address due to their constant messaging or calls at random times of the day. They stalk your Facebook and Twitter pages or call at the most inappropriate times of the day.  Like dude, I'm at work so I'm sorry that we can't carry on a conversation at 9 o'clock in the morning while my boss is less than three feet away. They continue the pursuit and are oblivious to your hints of disinterest. Not all of us have the conniption to tell them off even though we may just want to yell "Stop calling my f**cking phone!" Worry not. Below are some tips on how to rid yourself of the pesky Bug-a-boo while doing the best we can to avoid hurting feelings in the process. 

Be Upfront

Oftentimes we make things much harder than they need to be by prolonging the inevitable or over thinking the situation. Be concise and tell them straight up that you are not into them that way. 

Avoid the "we are better friends" talk because this may leave the door open and lead to false hope that one day it may  become more. 

Hit the Ignore Button

This can be a little rude but most people get the hint of when someone is avoiding them when they are sent straight to voicemail a couple of times. 

Don't respond to any emails or messages even with short answers. This way you can have proof that you avoided contact when you seek that restraining order.

Unfortunately this method is not guaranteed to work but give it a try anyway. 

Tell a Little White Lie

Generally liars never prosper but when you are faced with unquenchable thirst you just may have to resort to the little white lie. Make up a fake significant other or have your cousin pretend to be your jealous mate. 

This is sneaky and a bit underhanded but you've reached you point of pisstivity with this nag. Some people only respond to this type of thing though they may hate you in the end.

Block That Ass!

Fortunately most mediums of contact have ways to block bug a boos from contacting you. Use this method as soon as possible to avoid any further aggravation. 

Use your best judgement when it comes to who you are dealing with because some are much thirstier than others and refuse to give up without at least calling your phone private a couple of times. Stick to your guns and soon or later it should pay off.

Leave suggestions on how you dealt with a bug a boo in the past in the comment section and be sure to like A Soul Sistah's Life Blog on Facebook!

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